More Musical Artists Who Just Don't Get It!
Here we have a rapper named Hopsin. This song foolishly points out the "errors" in "mumble" rap. Rap music today is so full of profanity and sexual imagery that it can hardly be described as music, if music were something we were defending (and we're not), can you really call songs like "WAP" music? Maybe you're thinking Mozart or Beethoven? Also garbage but we'll forgive them for now and turn our attention to this. Hopsin thinks he's making fun of mumble rap when in reality he's just show casing how dumb he really is. What Hopsin is failing to do is a technique in Immersion we call "Jibberish" where we make noise without using any type of words. This helps us lose coherence and fully embrace The Silence. Hopsin is failing at this because low and behold HE'S ACTUALLY SAYING WORDS! If he really wanted to make fun of rap music, simply make a song, don't steal our techniques and do them poorly and then call yourself maki...