
Showing posts from March, 2022

The GREAT Debate Results!

 OMG! I knew this was gonna be good but was this EVER GOOD! OH MY GOODNESS! I'm sorry this is so late but I had to had to had to write this! Man, I'm still trying to come down from the high of just how good this was! So as you all know a certain "Dr" Jacob Natham has been harassing us here at The Koalemosian Institute, calling us everything but what we are and has openly challenged our founder Kevin Rainier to a debate. He's been doing this ever since the movement started gaining ground, that was before my time...yeah...he needs to get a life. Anyway, our amazing Founder Kevin Rainier hasn't said a word to the desperate "Dr" Natham about a debate and rightfully so, The "Dr" is so beneath Kevin it's unreal. However, "Dr" Natham continued to spout lie after lie about our movement and our leader to the point where enough was enough. After years of constant harassment, it was finally time to kick some ass! Our good friends a Wokes...

The Dictionary (The Worst Book in Human History)

And now we've come to an article that has been awhile in the making. Today we're gonna talk about the WORST BOOK IN HUMAN HISTORY and that is The Dictionary. There are no words for how vile and evil this book truly is. Let's start with the obvious, THERE ARE SO MANY dictionaries it's unreal! Webster's, Oxford's, Merriam-Webster's, Longman's and Brewer's and so on. WHY SO MANY!? And the sickest part of it all is that it doesn't offer anything new! Why do you need so many books to explain the same words? Hmmmm?! Also the insidious nature of this tome of evil doesn't stop there. Think about it, there is a cabal of people who are changing definitions to words and adding new words. YES! There is a group of people who are actually making up words! This book has been changed so many times by many different people I'm shocked that people still think this book is somehow reliable! Every home has at least one and it's horrifying!  When my train...

The "Great" Debate

At LONG last, for YEARS...literally YEARS "Dr" Jacob Namath has been calling out our founder Kevin Rainier for a debate. This so called "Doctor" of "communication" has stated that Kevin is starting a cult of personality and that he's saying "nothing of substance". My goodness! It sickens me how arrogant some people are when facing something they CLEARLY don't understand. "Dr" Namath is gonna get his clock cleaned this Friday in their "debate". When we were just building our movement we shyed away from doing speaking events and debates but now that we're going public it seemed like the right time do this. Luckily our friends at Wokesobique University decided to chip in for "Dr" Namath's speaking fee...Kevin didn't need any money...just sayin'. They'll be doing a Q & A and a meet and greet after where "Dr" Namath will no doubt be shilling his book...I just may buy one so I can ...

The Great Crossing

Last night was a welcoming ceremony for new members and we did our standard book burnings (I brought a dictionary, like usual) but as I sat there by the lake on campus and had a thought about our future. Kevin often shares his thoughts about what our end game is. He talked about The Silence and what that meant for us. There is such a divide between us and the rest of the world, the world of feels...gosh! It feels like such a burden to carry all of the truths The Silence bestows upon us and not be able to share them because people are so stuck on words and things having to "make sense". Nothing "makes sense". This is so stupid! This project we've been working on is SO important. Embrace The Silence. -By. Emi Glader


I've been busy as of late. It's been awhile since my last post and my work is finally coming to a close. We're closer than ever to going public with our message and even though we may reach and inspire a few people I'm still satisfied with the work I've done. Could I have done more? Of course. Did I drag my feet and procrastinate when I should have been active? Absolutely. But what I definitely didn't do is trash every opportunity I had to make use of the things that we offered to me. I booked speaking events and made phone call after phone call. A lot didn't work out but in the end this is what I have to offer and I'm proud of it. I know Kevin is proud of it to. I've been working so hard behind the scenes trying to get everyone to Embrace The Silence and I am SO CLOSE! -Emi Glader